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Becoming a Barista? (5 Coffees You Need to Master)

If you're starting your journey as a barista, there are a few essential drinks you'll need to master. Let’s explore the five key beverages that are staples on any café menu in a quick Q&A format.

Q: What are the five core drinks every barista needs to know?

A: The five essential drinks are espresso, flat white, latte, cappuccino, and long black. These form the foundation of most café orders, so getting them right is critical to your success as a barista.

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Q: How do I make a perfect espresso?

A: The espresso is the heart of almost every coffee drink. Start by following your coffee roaster’s recommended recipe. For example, I use a normale extraction with 22.5 grams of coffee, which produces a 45ml shot. The key is to ensure that the shot is balanced and flavorful, as it sets the tone for any drink built on it.

Q: What makes a flat white different from a latte?

A: A flat white is known for its smooth texture and thinner milk layer, compared to a latte. After pulling your espresso shot, steam your milk with just a small amount of air to create a fine microfoam. The flat white is usually served in a 190ml ceramic cup, and the milk should have a silky consistency.

Q: How should I steam milk for a latte?

A: The milk in a latte should be lighter and have more volume than that of a flat white. Pour your espresso into a 220ml glass and steam your milk while adding air for around four seconds. This creates a creamier milk with a slight foam on top, perfect for a latte’s smooth, mild taste.

Q: What’s the difference between a cappuccino and a latte?

A: The main difference is the texture and milk-to-coffee ratio. A cappuccino has a thicker layer of foam and a stronger coffee flavor due to the smaller amount of milk. For a cappuccino, steam the milk for around six seconds to create a dense microfoam, which you then pour into a 190ml cup. The finishing touch is a sprinkle of chocolate on top, especially if you're serving it Australian style!

Q: How do I make a long black?

A: A long black is a classic for black coffee lovers. Start by filling a cup with hot water (about 170ml), then gently pour a double shot of espresso on top. To maintain a rich crema, lower the spouts close to the surface of the water as you pour. This drink is all about balancing the strong espresso flavor with the water, creating a smooth and bold drink.

Q: Why are these five drinks so important?

A: These five drinks make up the majority of orders in most cafés, so mastering them is crucial. They each offer different tastes and textures, giving customers a variety of options to enjoy. Once you’ve perfected these, you’ll have a solid foundation to build upon when learning more complex drinks.

Q: Where can I learn more about other specialty drinks?

A: We’ve got you covered! We’ve created in-depth videos covering everything from chai lattes to macchiatos. Whether you’re a new barista or just looking to sharpen your skills, check out our video series for step-by-step tutorials on the full coffee menu. You can find the links in the description of our YouTube channel.

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