Artisti Christmas Party Latte Art Competition Rules
Every year, Artisti host a Christmas party for their café partners and wholesale network. One highlight of the evening is the latte art competition. This friendly competition is open to everyone from experienced baristas or complete novices, it’s a lot of fun! We encourage all attending the Christmas party to enter for your chance to win some great prizes and be named the Artisti Latte Art Champion of the year.
Artisti Wholesale Christmas Party held at the Artisti roastery - 3/11 Craft Close, Toormina.
How to Enter
When entering the event, you’ll be asked if you’d like to compete in the competition. Those who wish to enter will be placed on a list, those who don’t are encouraged to watch and cheer on the contestants. Everyone is encouraged to participate.
There are no criteria to enter this competition, it is open to all attending the event. There is only 16 competitors and it's first in best dressed.
Competition Format
The competition will consist of knockout rounds of 1vs1 contenders. The contestants will be paired at random prior to the competition starting. The number of rounds will depend on the total number of participants and may be adjusted by the organizers as necessary. Each round will be displayed on a whiteboard throughout the competition.
A judge will roll a die, showing one of six designs for both competitors to attempt.
The designs are:
- Heart
- Tulip
- Swan
- Rosetta
- Double Wing Swan
- Rosetta / Inverted Tulip
The contestant is to pour the pattern shown on the dice to the best of their ability within the time limit of 3 minutes.
The finals will be based on 2 pours.
Pour 1 - A judge will roll a die, showing one of six designs for both competitors to attempt.
Pour 2 - Free Pour which can be a flowing pattern or a drawn pattern that can include the 'tracking' technique.
Milk Texturing
A La Marzocco Wally will be used to texture milk to latte consistency for all contestants in every round.
Contestants are not allowed, nor required to pull espresso shots or texture milk. Espresso shot will be a single shot (22.5g yield) from a normale extraction using 22.5g dose. No double ristretto or double normale shots will be allowed. Champion blend will be used for extractions.
3 experienced and knowledgeable judges will be selected by Artisti to evaluate the latte art and cast their vote via placement of a poker chip in front of their favourite pattern. Judging criteria will include symmetry, technique, creativity, difficulty, contrast, and overall appearance. The winner will advance to the next round. Judges will be impartial, and their decisions will be final.
Equipment and Ingredients
Artisti will provide a La Marzocco coffee machine, full cream Norco milk and Champion Blend coffee beans which all contestants must use, no alterations. Contestants are welcome to use their own milk jug for pouring.
Prizes will be awarded to 1st & 2nd place. Awards are yet to be announced.
Fair Play
All contestants are expected to follow ethical practices and display good sportsmanship throughout the competition. Any form of cheating or unsportsmanlike conduct will result in immediate disqualification.
Photography and Social Media
The competition will be documented through photography and video recordings. By participating in the competition, contestants consent to the use of their images for promotional purposes by the coffee roasting company on social media, websites, or other platforms.