Video Transcript:
Hi guys Joel from Artisti Coffee Roasters. Today we're going to be talking about espresso extractions. More accurately we're going to be talking about how to dial in your espresso extraction and then repeat that day-in day-out. We know in cafes serving a good coffee is only part of the skill. It's being able to serve a consistently good coffee day in day out and get those repeat customers coming back every time. Before we get into it and start making some coffees we're going to talk about a
little bit of terminology which you'll need to know for later on in this video. The first thing that I'm going to talk about is our dose. Now simply put our dose is our ground coffee out of the grinder. We're going to actually measure this today and we're going to use grams to measure it and not by volume, by seconds or anything like that. Our dose we're measuring by grams. The next one that I'm going to talk about is our yield. Now that means basically our wet coffee. If you see our dose as dry coffee our yield is what comes out of the bottom of our espresso handle after we've extracted a coffee. This is our yield. Now today we're going to be measuring that not by volume, we're going
to be measuring that by weight in grams.
Again the next thing I'm going to talk about is something that we call a brew ratio. Simply put the brew ratio is the relationship between our dose or dry coffee and our wet coffee. A simple way to think about this is a one-to-one brew ratio where for every gram of dry dose that we
have we're going to extract one gram of wet yield. Easy right? Here at Artisti we call a one-to-one ratio a ‘ristretto’ extraction.
Another one that I want to talk about is a 1 to 2 ratio. So that means for every gram of dose or dry coffee I am going to extract 2 grams of
espresso liquid or yield. Now this we call a ‘normale’ or simply put, most cafes will call that a ‘double shot’.
So just in revision a little bit, we've got our dry coffee that we call our dose. Our wet extracted coffee which we call our yield and also a brew ratio which is a relationship between the dry coffee and the wet coffee. If that's one gram to one gram that would be a ristretto extraction. If that's one gram to 2 grams or one to two, we would call that a
normale or double shot.
The next thing I'm going to talk about is forming what we call a brew recipe. The one thing that we're going to add to our brew ratio or
our extractions of our ristretto, or our normale is a target time for that
extraction to happen. Once we've added this we're going to call it a brew recipe. It's exactly like a baker. They're quantifiably measuring all their inputs and being able to repeat those inputs as well to get the same result. So once we've kind of found for our ristretto or our normale where we like the taste of the coffee in our extraction time. We've adjusted temperatures on the machines. We've have a look for any grind tamping or just distribution defects. We've got a video on that. Channelling and the like. We'll put a link at the end of this video. Once we've kind of made sure that we're not having any of those issues or concerns and we like the flavour of our coffee we can actually write all those details down. Write how much dry coffee we we’re putting in, what yield we're getting off that coffee or wet coffee and the amount of time that we've done that. The idea of that being when we want to repeat that flavour profile again with the same beans we just keep those inputs the same. Simple right? That means from day to day that we're able to serve the same consistent flavour for our blends,
our single origins, our decafs; even home users can do this by simply
weighing their dose in, their yield out and timing their extraction. Now here at Artisti we've got a few very standard brew recipes. Now take note if you are not using the same size basket as we are, or you've got a slightly different machine with different pre-infusion, these numbers will pretty much mean nothing. If you follow these numbers it doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to get a great tasting coffee. For
our champion blend for example. In our cafes we're using a brew recipe which calls for twenty two point five grams of coffee in, forty five grams of extracted coffee out or yield. We know that is going to be a normale because it's a one gram to two gram ratio or a one to two
ratio and our target time for that is 34 to 36 seconds. Now if we've aged our coffee correctly, if we've looked after any defects that we might have in our puck or our method, our machines working correctly, that should produce the style of flavor that we're going for in all our cafes and a consistent cup from day to day.
The next thing that we're going to talk about is actually controlling
those aspects. Now your dose in is relatively easy. If you're putting your
dose into something you can actually then weigh. Weighing your dose in at twenty two point five grams regardless of the grind particle size is fairly straightforward. The next step is to weigh your yield as it comes out of the coffee machine and also stopping that extracting when you get to your goal weight. Which in this case is 45 grams. What you're going to work out then is your goal time. You may not be hitting your goal time, your extraction might happen in 28 to 30 seconds. It might
actually happen in 38 or 40 seconds. All you need to do at that point is go and change your grind particle size on your grinder to get you back within that goal window. So we've got a two-second window for this brew recipe that we're chasing is 34 to 36 seconds. So if I am getting my goal yield in 32 seconds I then need to make my grind particle size
slightly finer to restrict the flow of water through the coffee and slow that espresso extraction slightly till I get within my 34 to 36 second window. If my coffee is extracting in 38 seconds I then need to go and adjust my grind particle size slightly coarser to allow the water to flow during that extraction slightly quicker to bring me back within my window. The big thing to take note of is, I might adjust my grind particle size but I'm still measuring my dose at 22.5 grams and I'm still measuring my yield at 45 grams. So I'm still using those metrics to be able to measure those in our cafes. We use small scales that will fit in the drip tray. We also use the same style of scales to measure our dose
each time and here at Artist in the espresso bar we're weighing our dose every single coffee we're making and we're also controlling our yield through our programming of the machine every single time.
I hope this video has helped a little bit. If you've got any more
questions if you're unsure of how you might be able to do this in your
scenario please put the comments below. Keep your eye out, we're doing a bit of a series at the moment that'll cover other parts of making a coffee. Hopefully you find these helpful. Make sure you like the page and subscribe. Hit the bell button if you want to get notified every
time we upload video and we'll see you next time.
How does preinfusion factor in to the timing of the shot? Is that normally included in the shot time or is it separate? In other words in your example is the 36 second shot time window including any pre- infusion or is that noted separately and only representing brew time?